Technology Trends That Support Inclusive Growth

11 March

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Since the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), connectivity, supported by the Internet of Things (IoT) has become key to achieving competitive value and product differentiation. However, the roll out of 5G networks hold the potential to revolutionise the IoT and its ability to link all elements of operations and production together. In doing so, 5G could be the key to a new level of understanding efficiency potential, quality improvement and the reduction of risk.

IDC estimates that worldwide, the installation of IoT endpoints will grow from 12.1 billion in 2015 to over 30 billion by 2020, partly driven by 5G. In addition, McKinsey estimates that the economic value generated by IoT globally will reach $3.9–11.1 trillion per year by 2025. Analysis shows that 84% of IoT deployments are currently addressing, or have the potential to address, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The research supports the idea that IoT has development benefits that can be maximised without compromising commercial viability. As such, the IoT could become a game-changer for sustainability. 


At its core, the IoT is about measuring and remotely controlling previously unconnected “things”, reaching people and objects that technology could previously not reach whilst supporting sustainable development elements Here are five IoT trends that experts expect to drive sustainable growth globally. undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined

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