Quantum Computing – A World of Endless Possibilities

27 May

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As our understanding of how to apply quantum theory improves, the way in which quantum computing could enhance our ability to design, produce and operate is becoming clearer. Indeed, inventions such as lasers and transistors – both examples of quantum physics in action - are inside almost every electronic device, yet the potential of this technology is exponential. As a result, we could be on the cusp of a new quantum revolution that redefines manufacturing and industrialisation, and indeed almost every other sector in the global economy.

So how does quantum computing work? In traditional computing, information is processed in a sequence – similar to how you might read a book - whilst in quantum computing, the entire contents of the book are processed instantaneously. This is because instead of using ‘bits’ in a coding sentence, a quantum computer uses ‘qubits’ of data that can be interconnected instantaneously, even if the qubits are large distances apart. This concept is called ‘entanglement’ and allows quantum computers to perform faster, more complex and even previously impossible tasks. As a result, quantum computers are capable of solving some of the most computationally intensive problems, thousands of times faster than classical computers.

Such is the potential of quantum computing and quantum communication, that almost every sector in the economy could be entirely transformed. “It’s important to remember that comparing a classical computer to a quantum computer is essentially like comparing a candle to a lightbulb or bicycle to a jet plane. According to global management consulting firm Sia Partners, “quantum computing is a completely new paradigm shift that opens up a range of possibilities”. For example, quantum computers hold the potential to perform quantum teleportation, where information encoded in quantum particles disappears in one location and is exactly (but not instantaneously) recreated in another location some distance away. Indeed, recent studies analysing the growth of this technology predict a multibillion-dollar quantum industry by 2030.

Quantum Computing in Manufacturing

On an industrial level, quantum computing can simulate and analyse molecules for design or pharmaceutical development, perform complex optimisation tasks and run instantaneous searches of unsorted data. Consequently, this technology will allow batteries to offer significantly higher energy density. It will also help create new materials with better strength-to-weight ratios and facilitate more efficient processes that could help with energy generation or carbon capture.  As a result, quantum computing could be used to  optimise supply chain logistics, workforce management systems, or material flows.


Using this technology, manufacturers will be able to alter design elements and exponentially improve efficiency of operational processes. For instance, quantum computing combined with machine learning, could enable production lines to perform optimisations more dynamically which would be useful for enhancing production flows and robotic scheduling of complex products. Furthermore, quantum computing would allow manufacturers to go beyond the current limitations of the classical computational wall by allowing analysis of a vast number of interactive factors and processes, increasing production yields.


In addition, quantum computers could revolutionise security. According to quantum theory, quantum information cannot be precisely copied which could be a complete game-changer. Hackers trying to copy quantum keys used for encrypting and transmitting messages would not be able to break into quantum information, even if they had access to a quantum computer. This is because the ‘entanglement’ of the qubits makes the information fundamentally impossible to hack, as cracking a quantum encryption would require the hacker to break the laws of physics, not just break an algorithm.


However, there are still some critical elements that must be overcome before quantum computing can reach its much-lauded potential. For example, while small-scale quantum computers are already operational, a major hurdle to scaling up the technology is the issue of dealing with errors. Compared to ‘bits’, ‘qubits’ are very fragile and even a minor disturbance form could destroy quantum information. Therefore, most quantum machines need to be shielded in isolated environments operating at temperatures far colder than outer space. While a theoretical framework for quantum error correction has been developed, implementing it in an energy- and resource-efficient manner poses significant engineering challenges.


Despite these challenges, experience of the latest digital revolution tells us that it is wise to prepare for future technology now in order to reap the benefits as early as possible. Therefore, manufacturers should consider incorporating these three areas into their strategies within the next few years;

  1. Plan and adapt security strategies: Current data encryption protocols are not fit for purpose of current computing power, let alone quantum computers. Therefore, manufacturers should begin evolving towards a quantum-secure architecture that supports the infrastructure.
  2. Pinpoint quantum skill requirements: Predicting quantum applications is challenging so recruiting the right skills to unlock the full potential of this technology is vital. Quantum researchers and hardware/software engineers can help facilitate the development of industry-specific quantum solutions tailored for current quantum technologies or for future scalable quantum computing.
  3. Consider responsible design: The impact of AI and blockchain has demonstrated the need to consider the social, ethical, and environmental implications of new technologies. Although the quantum industry is in its infancy, it provides a rare opportunity to embed inclusive practices from the start and build a responsible and sustainable roadmap for quantum computing.

Although we are still very much at the beginning of this second quantum revolution, a recent study by McKinsey found that the adoption rate of quantum computing for industry was rising, particularly in the technology, media, and telecom industries. In part, this is due to a number of significant breakthroughs such as developing an industrial quantum computer and setting up cloud-based quantum-computing services. However, although these are significant milestones, the potential of quantum computing remains far ahead of its realised impact. Therefore, whilst quantum computing might seem a long way off, it is rapidly evolving away from hype and towards reality.

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